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By zong-ka-£a

This passage comes from the Special Insight chapter of the Middling Exposition of the Stages of the Path, lam rim 'bring, P6002, Vols. 152-52.

(The second, how the mode of commenting on Nàgàrjuna’s thought arose, has six parts, the first of which is: an identification of the model Màdhyamikas:) Since âryadeva is taken to be as valid as the master [Nàgàrjuna] by the great Màdhyamikas such as the masters Buddhapàlita, Bhàvaviveka, Chandrakãrti, Shàntarakùhita, and so forth, both the father [Nàgàrjuna] and his spiritual son [âryadeva] are sources for the other Màdhyamikas. Therefore, earlier [Tibetans rightly] called those two "the Màdhyamikas of the model texts" and called the others "partisan Màdhyamikas".

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