Meditation on Emptiness, 631; Jam-yang-shay-ba's Great Exposition of Tenets, 70; Annotations, page 134.
This passage 134cha1 states that own-entity, inherent nature, independence, and no dependence on another are synnonymous.
Here, 'no dependence on another' is not no dependence on causes and conditions; rather "other" refers to an object-possesor, conventional consciousness, and not being posited through the power of that [object-possesor] is called "no dependence on another".
Therefore, 'independent existence' is entirely of these objects which has its own uncommon mode of subsistence or abiding. Just this is called own entity and inherent existence.
Here, rang las ma grub pas 134cha2 is a textual error, because in [Chandrakirti's Supplement] it says, 'since it would exist by itself it would not be a dependent-arising (rang las drup pas rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba yod pa ma yin no), and also because reasoning [establishes] the later [reading] as correct.