The Nechung Oracle
The Nechung Oracle is the manifestation of Dorje
Drak-den, the protector deity of the Dalai Lama. The medium for the
Nechung Oracle (the kuten, or physical basis where the spirit visits)
was often consulted by the Dalai Lama for important matters of state.
For more information, the Dalai Lama's autobiography contains some interesting
history of the Nechung Oracle during the Communist Chinese invasion of
Tibet. A much better description of the Nechung Oracle than we could
provide is available at the Official
Nechung Oracle web site. Please check it out.
The Nechung Oracle Program (NOP) is an entirely
different phenomenon, and this is what you see on Gruntose; it is a program
that seeks through a database of quotes, ascii pictures, and weirdness
of all sorts. It picks the most appropriate one for the current moment
in time based on a number of factors, such as (but not necessarily including)
the moon's phase, the year in the mayan and asian calendars, the position
of an assortment of relevant constellations, chaotic factors, an encoding
of aleister crowley's work mapped into linear time, and the current weight
of Rush Limbaugh.
Note that the NOP does not presume to offer
any guarantees about the effectiveness of its counsel.
Om Mani Padme Hum
(Hail to the Lotus Jewel)