Hierophantic Bookmarkalism Revealed

learn at your own risk & pace, in the privacy of your own home.
please note: this is not a distance learning college.  you still do need to send tuition money in, as often as possible.  further instructions will be beamed to your tinfoil helmet as required.
no one here there or anywhere takes any form of responsibility real or implied for anything you might learn find out or be shocked by by following any of these links below above or wherever so be rigorously and non-litigiously careful if you want to get the message ad infinitum in hoc signo vincimus et alia bene dictum righteous verbium sanctum sanctorum simpson simpsorum....
ignoring the former, however, we will actually update this list if you notice any problems such as dead or erroneous links.  please jump to the bottom of the page for more information.

There are two formats for the Gruntose Bookmarks: traditional web page format and javascript tree format.

The web page is just a hierarchical view of the Gruntose Bookmarks as an html document, usable by any browser.
Web Page View

*NOTE* this one is not right yet.  The javascript version shows the hierarchy in a tree, where each of the categories can be opened and closed to look around in the list.
Javascript Tree View

To report problems with this page or send in suggestions or corrections, please email to The Gruntose Marks.
Information wants to be free!  But the information above only got as far as Gruntose in its escape so far.  The rest is up to you.
Free the information by spreading it; knowledge is the cure, not a disease.  Get high on facts, intelligence, thought, and awareness.  Our favorite buzz here at Gruntose...