Secret Book that came with Alone in the Dark contains: ====================================================== 1: first aid case saber axe mirror flask first aid case knife matchbox 5: pot of soup record rifle gramophone saber rifle first aid case revolver pitcher knife 10: knife lamp matchbox rifle vase bow book mirror rifle notepad 15: pot of soup lighter lamp gramophone rifle statue lighter record revolver key 20: book axe knife mirror rifle revolver axe lighter bow matchbox 25: first aid case box of crackers bullets bow statue pot of soup revolver first aid case mirror lighter 30: axe matchbox record statue bow statue mirror axe bow rifle 35: bow pot of soup oil can matchbox lamp statue oil can vase vase first aid case 40: saber bow bullets oil can oil can bow gramophone pot of soup pot of soup first aid case 45: vase statue saber knife record gramophone revolver lighter bow bullets 50: box of crackers key vase lamp pot of soup bow gramophone box of crackers statue notepad 55: rifle mirror statue box of crackers revolver axe lighter rifle matchbox first aid case 60: box of crackers bow pitcher bow bow pitcher lamp mirror rifle matchbox 65: bullets statue statue first aid case pitcher gramophone rifle record revolver pot of soup 70: book revolver lamp knife bullets lamp statue matchbox pot of soup saber 75: bow notepad pot of soup gramophone lamp revolver notepad bow vase saber 80: record revolver bullets gramophone vase record record lighter gramophone bow 85: mirror key saber oil can saber lighter pot of soup statue statue axe 90: gramophone revolver lighter pitcher revolver record first aid case statue key book 95: pot of soup lamp matchbox statue gramophone knife first aid case bullets bullets saber 100: revolver notepad notepad matchbox bow record key box of crackers statue record 105: matchbox notepad pitcher vase rifle pitcher vase pot of soup axe book 110: gramophone rifle lighter mirror lighter first aid case mirror revolver key lighter 115: mirror matchbox lamp box of crackers bullets box of crackers statue gramophone flask gramophone 120: statue revolver flask lamp oil can mirror lighter pot of soup pitcher rifle 125: mirror knife oil can statue first aid case record oil can gramophone pitcher notepad 130: box of crackers pitcher axe key pot of soup vase pitcher flask rifle axe 135: pot of soup knife lighter axe knife bullets axe first aid case knife flask 140: book pot of soup key revolver vase gramophone notepad bullets lighter revolver 145: lamp saber axe pot of soup statue mirror knife oil can axe note pad 150: flask key flask revolver flask box of crackers bullets knife box of crackers knife 155: statue bullets gramophone axe key bullets book oil can box of crackers saber 160: lamp flask saber vase book matchbox saber statue lighter gramophone 165: knife box of crackers rifle flask key first aid case bow lighter first aid case lighter 170: saber matchbox gramophone record axe statue knife axe matchbox vase 175: revolver pitcher pitcher oil can knife pot of soup gramophone pitcher first aid case lamp 180: book box of crackers notepad vase vase pitcher vase notepad revolver gramophone 185: oil can knife mirror box of crackers lighter statue box of crackers matchbox matchbox revolver 190: bullets notepad lamp rifle first aid case key flask mirror bow lamp 195: mirror bullets key knife box of crackers notepad revolver bullets first aid case axe 200: saber pot of soup bullets matchbox gramophone lamp gramophone mirror knife book 205: first aid case pot of soup rifle oil can saber notepad book gramophone knife gramophone 210: matchbox record knife statue record lamp record mirror bullets flask 215: book flask pot of soup pitcher book notepad saber first aid case flask axe 220: lamp lighter notepad oil can pitcher first aid case key flask revolver saber 225: lighter match box lamp record oil can box of crackers revolver lamp first aid case notepad 230: record rifle bow vase mirror rifle rifle lamp first aid case matchbox 235: axe record gramophone bullets record first aid case knife vase gramophone flask 240: lamp first aid case pot of soup rifle key gramophone saber record saber bullets 245: first aid case mirror mirror book axe saber axe revolver bullets vase 250: statue lighter lamp matchbox lighter box of crackers key vase saber book 255: notepad book lamp oil can