With regard to ordinary study, except for the fact that there is a limit to
our lifetime, it is not that you arrive at a point where there is no more room
in your brain. No matter how much you study, even if you study a hundred
thousand million words, the mind can still retain them. This indicates that
the basis of these qualities, consciousness, is stable and continuous.
The other day, I made a joke to someone who was asking about the brain. I
said that if, like a computer, you needed a cell for each moment of memory,
then as you become more and more educated, your head would have to get bigger
and bigger!
Because of these reasons--that compassion, wisdom, and so forth are
qualities that depend on the mind, and the mind is stable and continuous--they
can be developed to a limitless degree.
It is from this point of view that it is said that the conception of
inherent existence can be extinguished. When one removes the conception of
inherent existence, one thereby also ceases the afflictive emotions generated
in dependence upon that ignorance. Also, since the ignorance that drives
contaminated actions has ceased, this class of actions ceases. Once the
motivator of the action and the actions cease, the results of those actions
will cease. That is how the third noble truth--true cessation--comes to be.
-- H.H. the Dalai Lama of Tibet, Tenzin Gyatso, "The Dalai Lama at
Harvard: Lectures on the Buddhist Path to Peace", translated and
edited by Jeffrey Hopkins, published by Snow Lion Publications